AFK Journey Honor Duel Guide

AFK Journey Honor Duel Guide

Honor Duel is a fair-play battle mode in AFK Journey. In Honor Duel, you will choose heroes, equipment, and artifacts in order to create a team. The main goal is to achieve nine wins. This battle mode does not have any type of pay-to-win element, which is great. How well you will perform solely depends on your skills, knowledge of heroes, team synergy, and strategy.

Rewards are great from the Honor Duel, so we highly recommend that you participate. Also, you can test heroes and different combinations, which will make you a better player overall and increase your knowledge about AFK Journey.

Honor Duel Start in AFK Journey

Honor Duel Start in AFK Journey

When you start Honor Duel in AFK Journey, you will be able to choose a team combo. A team combo is a combination of three heroes and one artifact. Each team combo is unique and comes with buffs, stats, debuffs, etc. What you will choose depends on what your goal is, how you want to play, and what heroes you are planning to use. 

In Honor Duel, you gain Artifact XP through battles or by ascending heroes. When the required experience is reached, the artifact’s star level increases. 2. Two different artifact effects appear when your artifact reaches 1 star. You can choose the one that best suits your strategy. 3. You automatically receive a new artifact effect when your artifact reaches 2 stars.

Each artifact is unique, so we recommend that before you choose one, read what it does. Tap on your artifact to learn more about the effects it has.

Artifact XP: 

  • Join a battle to obtain 2 XP.
  • Ascend any hero once to obtain 3 XP.
  • Ascend any hero twice to obtain 2 XP.

Honor Duel: Best Team

Honor Duel Best Team 

What team and heroes you will use solely depends on the artifact that you choose at the start. So click on the artifact and see what effects and bonuses it will give you. Based on that information, you want to build your team. Also, make sure that you are using a tier list when you are building your team because S- and A-tier heroes will perform extremely well.

Unfortunately, we can not make a list of the best teams for each artifact because randomness plays a big role here. For example, if we recommend that you use Marliee, there is a high chance that you will not get her. There are a lot of heroes, and what hero you will get is completely random. 

Honor Duel Store

Honor Duel Store

The Honor Duel Store is a place where you will purchase heroes and equipment. To purchase heroes and equipment, you need honor badges that you will get after each win or loss. What you will purchase again depends on the artifacts and heroes that you will use.

three random heroes

When you just start, it is best to purchase three random heroes so you can build the foundation of your team. It costs 18 honor badges, but you can get a lot of duplicates if you are lucky, so you can ascend your heroes. Once you have the main team that you will use, you can sell the rest of the heroes that you do not need. After a few wins, you will be able to purchase higher-tier equipment and single-hero copies. 

There is a high chance that the shop will not have the heroes that you need, so you have to use the refresh button. It costs only 3 honor badges, so it is 100% worth it to refresh a few times to get the hero copies that you need. With hero copies, you will ascend the hero, so it will get more stats and power, but you will also level up your artifact. Keep in mind that if you get equipment or a hero that you need but do not have honor badges to purchase it, you can lock it. Once you lock it, you will be able to purchase it next round. 



Before the match starts, you will be able to position three heroes on the map. After you position them, the enemy player will be able to see them, and you will be able to see his three heroes. Keep in mind that once you position them, you will not be able to move them to a new spot.

After three heroes from both sites are revealed, you will be able to position the two remaining heroes. We recommend that you position tanks and melee heroes at the start. After enemy heroes are revealed, you want to position a ranged DPS that will attack the enemy player’s highest DPS heroes or healers. 



Each week, you are able to get rewards from Honor Duel. To get rewards, you have to accumulate a certain amount of victories, which is not that hard to achieve.

  • 1-Victory Reward: 200 Diamonds
  • 3-Victory Reward: 40,000 Gold
  • 6-Victory Reward: 200 Diamonds
  • 9-Victory Reward: 40,000 Gold
  • 12-Victory Reward: 300 Diamonds
  • 15-Victory Reward: 2 Invite Letters
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