AFK Journey Guild Guide

AFK Journey Guild Guide

Guild in AFK Journey is one of the most important things that you have to join from the beginning. The reason for that is that with a guild, you will be able to earn rewards, fight bosses, do guild challenges, and so on. All these things will help you with your progression and make you a stronger player. Also, there is a chat option where you can talk with your guild members about heroes, what to use, what team comp, and so on. In this guide, we will cover everything that you have to know about guilds in AFK Journey and how to get the most out of them.

How to Join the Guild in AFK Journey

How to Join the Guild in AFK Journey

To join a guild in AFK Journey, you just have to click on the guild button in the lower part of your screen, and then you can search for a guild by name or join a guild that the game recommends. If you do not like recommendations, click the refresh button so you will get new recommendations. The most important factor when you are looking for a guild is how active it is. There is no point in joining a guild that is not active. When you leave the guild you have to wait 30 minutes before you are able to join a new one.

How to Leave the Guild

  • Leaving the guild in the AFK Journey is a relatively simple thing to do. To leave the guild, you have to click on the guild icon at the bottom of your screen.
  • Click on members.
  • Click on the tree dots with ”more” text in the lower right part of your screen.
  • Click on exit.
  • Tap on the confirmation button.

How to Create a Guild

How to Create a Guild in AFK Journey

To create a guild in AFK Journey, you first have to leave the existing guild. After that, click on the guild tab and you will see a big green button that says Guild Formation. When you click it, it will lead you to a page where you can enter your guild name, edit a banner, etc. Keep in mind that you need 1000 diamonds in order to create a guild.

Battle Drills

Battle Drills is a battle mode in AFK Journey where guilds will work together and fight against different bosses. Participating in Battle Drills is extremely important because you can get some awesome rewards. We recommend that you join the strongest and most active guild on your server because the rewards that you get depend on overall guild progression. Also, do not forget to check out our Battle Drills in-depth guide so you can achieve better scores and get more rewards.

Guild Challenges

Guild Challenges AFK Journey

Guild challenges are team quests in AFK Journey that a certain number of players must complete in order to get rewards. This is why it is important to join an active guild so you can claim these rewards. Keep in mind that in order to claim rewards, you also have to complete a challenge, no matter if 20 of your allies have already completed it. Guild challenges are extremely important because the rewards that you get are guild medals that you can spend in guild shops.

Guild Shop

In the guild shop, you can purchase soul sigils and other items. Soul sigils that are in the guild shop are for some extremely rare heroes that you cannot get from normal invitation letters. Check out the AFK Journey tier list if you are not sure for which hero you should purchase soul sigils.

Guild Level

What guild level you are in is extremely important. There are 6 guild levels, and each one that you unlock will give you different bonuses, like more medals from guild quests, more invite letters in the guild shop, etc. To get experience for guild level, you have to earn active points, and to earn activeness, you have to complete guild quests.

Guild LevelLevel Bonus
1Unlock Guild quests and earn up to 2500 Guild Medals through them. An additional Epic Invite Letter will be added to the Guild Store.
2Limit of Guild Medals earned through Guild Quests +1000.
Epic Invite Letter available at the Guild Store +1.
3Limit of Guild Medals earned through Guild Quests +500.
Epic Invite Letter available at the Guild Store +1.
4Limit of Guild Medals earned through Guild Quests +1000.
Epic Invite Letter available at the Guild Store +1.
5Limit of Guild Medals earned through Guild Quests +1000.
Epic Invite Letter available at the Guild Store +1.
6Limit of Guild Medals earned through Guild Quests +1000.
Epic Invite Letter available at the Guild Store +1.

Guild Chests

Guild Chests

Earn Guild Chests for your Guild by achieving high ranks during the corresponding tally of Rankings. Guild Chests in AFK Journey will be granted when all Guild Coin rewards are claimed from Weekly Guild Quests, and the acquisition amount of Guild Chests is based on the quantity of active Guild members from the last week.

Guild Chests will be distributed to all members based on rules every Sunday at 24:00 UTC. The Guild Leader can modify the distribution rules. If a Guild acquires over 1200 chests in a week, they’ll receive extra chests at the start of the next week. The Guild Leader can manually distribute these bonus chests to designated members. 

Available Guild Chests From Ahles Rankings 

Daily Arena Tally 

  • Top 5 Champion: 4 
  • Top 6 – 20 Champion: 3
  • Top 21 – 100 Champion: 2 

 Weekly Arena Tally 

  •  Top 5 Champion : 32 
  •  Top 6 – 20 Champion: 27 
  •  Top 21 – 100 Champion: 25 
  •  Top 101 – 200 Champion: 3

Daily Dream Realm Tally 

  •  No. 11 to No. 20: 5 
  •  No. 21 toN0. 50: 3 
  •  No. 51 to No. 100: 2 
  •  No. 101 to No. 200: 1

Weekly Arcane Labyrinth Tally 

  •  No. 1 to No. 10: 30 
  •  No. 11 to No. 20: 24 
  •  No. 21 to No. 50: 18 
  •  No. 51 to No. 100: 12 
  •  No. 101 to No. 200: 6

Honor Duel Weekly Settlement 

  •  No. 1 to No. 10: 30 
  •  No. 11 to No. 20: 27 
  •  No. 21 to No. 50: 24 
  •  No. 51 to No. 100: 21 
  •  No. 101 to No. 200: 18
4.9/5 - (14 votes)

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